You can read more about how to set up Firebase Authentication in Databutton here.
Firestore Database Integration Steps
Step 1: Enable Firestore Database
Go to the Firebase Console and select your project.
This is the main control panel for all Firebase services.
Go to "Firestore Database" in the Firebase Console's left sidebar.
This is where you manage your database setup.
If not created, click "Create Database" and select a starting mode.
Select the Firestore location (pick a location close to your users for optimal performance) and Choose between "Test mode" or "Production mode."
Test Mode vs Production Mode : In Test Mode, security rules are more relaxed, making it easier to test your setup. Wheras, in Production Mode, you’ll need to configure stricter security rules.
Step 2: Prepare your App for Firestore Integration
Plan Your Data Structure
Firestore is schema-flexible, meaning it doesn’t enforce a fixed structure. Planning your data structure upfront ensures consistency and scalability.
Identify collections and documents you’ll need.
Consider relationships, such as linking Orders to Customers or Users
Define the Data You Need to Store
Think about the specific data your app will handle and organize it logically.
Example: Business App to Store Customer Details
Fields: name, email, phone, signup_date, last_login, etc.
Collection (Optional):Orders
Fields: customer_id, order_date, order_details.
Prompt Example:
Hi there! I’m building a business app to manage customer details. Could you help me to set up a Firebas Database via the FRONTEND only:
- Suggest a Firestore data structure to store customer details (e.g., name, email, phone, signup date).
- If relevant, include additional collections like orders tied to customers.
- Provide a Markdown representation of the data structure.
- Don't write any code. Let's first go through the Database structure first.
Alternatively, prompt the Agent for Data Structure Suggestions;
Hi there! I’ve set up Firestore Datastore and Firebase authentication.
Please help me set up a Firestore Database via the FRONTEND only:
- Suggest an optimal data structure for my project based on the current UI and app details.
- Provide a Markdown representation of the structure.
- Generate permissive security rules to allow access only for authenticated users.
- Don't write any code. Let’s first go through the database structure before discussing rules.
Setp 3: Updating Security Rules in Firebase
Follow-Up Prompt for Security Rules : Use this prompt to request less strict security rules for initial testing.
Based on the suggested Firestore data structure, please generate permissive security rules:
- Allow read and write access for authenticated users only.
- Keep the rules minimally strict to simplify testing.
- Avoid overly restrictive configurations unless absolutely necessary.
Agent Output Example:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
Copy these rules into the Firebase Console under the Firestore Rules tab.
Hit the Develop & Test button to validate the rules.
Step 4: Test and Confirm Firestore Integration
After deploying the rules, validate your Firestore setup by testing basic operations:
Testing Access
Confirm that authenticated users can interact with the database as intended.
Test adding a record to a collection
Verify that unauthorized access is restricted as expected.
Prompt Suggestions:
I’ve deployed the suggested Firestore security rules.
Can you proceed for the implementation via the Frontend Only.
Testing ( optional )
Also, could you provide step-by-step instructions to test:
- Adding and retrieving data from Firestore?
- Confirming access control for authenticated users only?
Master Prompt to Guide the Agent for Integration
Updated Master Prompt for Full Integration:
Hi there! I’ve enabled Firestore Datastore and set up Firebase authentication.
I’d like to integrate Firestore Datastore into my project with the following requirements:
1. Data Structure Confirmation:
- Analyze the existing data structure in the relevant UI files.
- Provide a clear Markdown representation of the data structure before proceeding.
2. Security Rules:
- Generate permissive security rules that allow access only for authenticated users.
- Guide me step by step on how to deploy these rules.
- Stricter rules are not needed unless absolutely necessary. If required, confirm with me first.
3. Step-by-Step Integration:
- Provide actionable guidance for implementing Firestore based on the confirmed data structure.
- Include any necessary utility files or helper code snippets.
4. Testing and Updates:
- Suggest how to test the integration thoroughly.
- Provide instructions on how to update security rules in the future.
Please do not execute code directly. Focus on confirming and guiding at each step.